Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dec. 17th Shane Update

I haven't heard from Shane in a while. So today I called the hospital and verified that yes, he and his daughter had been discharged.

I found his address and looked up his number. I left him a message today. I hope he and his family are doing all right.

I think I am going to send him a card to make sure he got the money for his family that I sent him via paypal. His paypal account is listed under shane (At sign)

I am sure he has lost a lot of income due to the accident, especially working for himself. I have no idea if he has any sort of disability insurance. While you're out spending money on people who are comfortable, please send some Shane's way. Think of it as your random act of kindness, your thanks to God and the universe that your loved ones are safe and comfortable.
Bless you.


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